» Download Art of Seduction An Indispensible Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power Audible Audio Edition Robert Greene Joseph Powers a Division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books
Carey Massey on Monday, June 3, 2019
Download Art of Seduction An Indispensible Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power Audible Audio Edition Robert Greene Joseph Powers a Division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 22 hours and 51 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher HighBridge, a Division of Recorded Books
- Audible.com Release Date May 1, 2015
- Language English, English

Art of Seduction An Indispensible Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power Audible Audio Edition Robert Greene Joseph Powers a Division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books Reviews
- Let me say that the rules in this book are tried and true throughout history, and are still being used successfully to this day. Now a lot of people are complaining that this book is a how to guide to being a sociopath. If you approach it from the perspective that you should follow every rule to the T....then yes, this is that, but the reality is that you should take note on these tactics and employ them piecemeal to succeed in seduction and gaining power. You can use these tactics for good as well. Robert Greene himself when asked if he follows all of his rules he said “Everyone assumes I practise all of my own laws but I don’t. I think anybody who did would be a horrible ugly person to be around,†..... So use these tactics to succeed. Hell the dating aspect can be used to make sure good people don't get seduced by psychopaths, and you can employ this to get someone you like while help them avoid the genuinely bad.
- I still have over a hundred pages to go, but I think I'm far enough in to give a valid assessment. My main criticism at this point is that it is longer than it needs to be. I've been working my way through this for what feels like months now. At 400+ pages it is a somewhat ponderous read. The author uses voluminous references to literature and world history to illustrate his points about various aspects of seduction. A number of the same stories are repeated in different contexts throughout the work. It is an entertaining read, but I found that I could only take so much at a time before I felt like I was getting bogged down and had to take a break and read something else. As a primer, if you are trying to learn things to be a more effective suitor, I found the wealth of material to be a bit overwhelming to take it all in and retain. So many different approaches and character types are covered. It is the most authoritative and exhaustive treatment of this subject I have seen. I think he deliberately uses inflammatory language for effect, such as calling the target of one's affections a victim. In a number of places he says that you are really learning to give people what they want, so you have to learn to be less self-centered and reactive, which is a good thing.
- It’s fairly insidious, but if for no other reason than to recognize the techniques, it’s very useful knowledge. Great book.
- This book is formatted as a list of principles of seduction, with each principle having its own chapter full of stories, quotes, and historical anecdotes. The writing style is sensationalist - the best way I can describe it is to imagine that a cartoon supervillain is giving you advice on relationships.
It is interesting, but it would be foolish to see it as a literal how-to guide for seduction.
The reason I say this is that if you take the "principles" too literally and try to apply them without discretion to your own life, you are likely to burn yourself and others while attracting mostly insecure or naive people into your life. In other words, don't go overboard with the edginess that this book espouses, because it's a spice used by the writer and (I hope) not meant as genuine advice.
Instead, I suggest this book is best seen as food for thought - a collection of musings and stories on select topics with a Machiavellian twist. It's got plenty ideas about the dark side of human nature for the reader to chew on; for example, the idea that desire is mimetic, the idea of "planting seeds" through suggestion, and the idea that playing on peoples' desires and subtly promising to lead them to their dreams is a quick (albeit immoral) road to their hearts.
You may get more value out of this book if you consider it as a story-collection rather than a dating guide. Don't take the book's "advice" too seriously!
Final verdict
7/10 would not recommend, but kind of interesting - I like all the books of Robert Greene. This is one of my favorites so far. It ia very detailed and I would say it's really applicable to everyday life specially if you are dealing with different people most of the time. You will get a lot of key points in this book.
- After reading 48 Laws of Power I was excited to find that there were two more reads in the series- with this being one of them. This book taught me that attraction isn't much about your natural looks but more about how you carry yourself. We all know plenty of people who aren't the best looking but have that star power to command a room and I think this is where the book really shines. You don't even need to be trying to seduce someone, you could just have a desire to be less socially awkward and have a stronger presence...this book will help target where you may be falling short at and how to correct it.
- If you want to know people, look at what they do, not what they say. If you've ever been baffled by why people make the choices they do in intimate relationships, get this book. It will help you understand a lot about human nature. It will not only help you protect yourself, but the information contained in it can be used to keep the romance alive in your intimate relationships. I loved the historical illustrations and the great references to literary classics that will surely be on my TBR list. Robert's Greene's brazen language is intoxicating (seductive as well) and invites you to take a stroll in the dark recesses of the unconscious and explore the depths of your shadow. It was more interesting than the 48 laws of power to me.
- I have read the 48 laws of power and it remains one of the best books I have ever owned and I have read the 50th Law and i carry it with me like some people carry the bible (it looks like one).
The Art of Seduction is a very impressive book and you can expect the same quality you got with the 48 laws of power, the same level and type of knowledge and ways to apply it. Personally however, I did not enjoy this book as much as I have enjoyed the others, but your reaction could be very different.
Must buy if you are a fan of Robert Greene and his machiavellian ways to deal with problems.