Ebook My American Dream A Life of Love Family and Food Lidia Matticchio Bastianich 9780525431985 Books

For decades, beloved chef Lidia Bastianich has introduced Americans to Italian food through her cookbooks, TV shows, and restaurants. Now, in My American Dream, she tells her own story for the very first time. Born in Pula, on the Istrian peninsula, Lidia grew up surrounded by love and security, learning the art of Italian cooking from her beloved grandmother. But when Istria was annexed by a communist regime, Lidia’s family fled to Trieste, where they spent two years in a refugee camp waiting for visas to enter the United States. When she finally arrived in New York, Lidia soon began working in restaurants, the first step on a path that led to her becoming one of the most revered chefs and businesswomen in the country. Heartwarming, deeply personal, and powerfully inspiring, My American Dream is the story of Lidia’s close-knit family and her dedication and endless passion for food.
Ebook My American Dream A Life of Love Family and Food Lidia Matticchio Bastianich 9780525431985 Books
"I bought this book because I'm a fan of Lydia's TV cooking show on PBS. On the show, she is knowledgeable, skilled, down-home, no-nonsense, practical, and a lovely person with humility. The book has all those same qualities, but perhaps one needs more in a book to make it appealing. I applaud her effort with this. I brought the book to the beach but found myself looking for other things to read. I'm going to give it another chance, though. Her early Italian/Yugoslavian life post WW2 is interesting, with old-world experiences. It seems that the Italian expat community where she lived in Yugoslavia remained much like it was before the war, except for the political oppression, which she discusses. I'll update when I finish the book. I put it down but will pick it up again because I like her personality even if her writing is prosaic. She has had a blessed life, even if it was difficult at times. She is a woman with great strength and human perspective."
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Tags : My American Dream A Life of Love, Family, and Food [Lidia Matticchio Bastianich] on . For decades, beloved chef Lidia Bastianich has introduced Americans to Italian food through her cookbooks, TV shows,Lidia Matticchio Bastianich,My American Dream A Life of Love, Family, and Food,Vintage,0525431985,Autobiographies,Bastianich, Lidia,Cooking, Italian,Cooks - United States,Restaurants - United States,Television cooking shows,World War, 1939-1945 - Refugees - Istria (Croatia and Slovenia),BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Culinary,Biography,Biography/Autobiography,COOKING / Essays Narratives,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / Italian,Cooking/Essays Narratives,Cooking/Regional Ethnic - Italian,GENERAL,General Adult,INDIVIDUAL CHEFS AND THEIR COOKERY,ITALIAN COOKERY,Non-Fiction,United States,italian food gifts;nonna gifts;hostess gift;cookbooks best sellers 2017;cookbooks best sellers;cookbooks best sellers 2018;biographies of famous people;hostess gifts;gift books;cook books;cookbooks;cookbook;grandmother gifts;mom gifts;books for mom;mothers day books;mothers day gifts;mothers day;biographies and memoirs;motherhood memoir;immigration;italian food;italian cookbook;memoirs;memoir;Lidia Bastianich;autobiography;italian cooking;grandma;nonna;recipes;opa gifts;american cookbook,cookbooks best sellers 2017; cookbooks best sellers; cookbooks best sellers 2018; biographies of famous people; hostess gifts; gift books; cook books; cookbooks; cookbook; grandmother gifts; mom gifts; books for mom; mothers day books; mothers day gifts; mothers day; biographies and memoirs; motherhood memoir; immigration; italian food; italian cookbook; memoirs; memoir; Lidia Bastianich; autobiography; italian cooking; grandma; nonna; recipes; hostess gift; italian food gifts; nonna gifts; opa gifts; american cookbook
My American Dream A Life of Love Family and Food Lidia Matticchio Bastianich 9780525431985 Books Reviews :
My American Dream A Life of Love Family and Food Lidia Matticchio Bastianich 9780525431985 Books Reviews
- I love this book by Lidia and look forward to picking it up every night when my days work is done! Her vivid descriptions of her life, her experiences, the geography is phenomenal. It is also a fascinating look into a time in history at the time of Tito and Stalin, and she describes the frightful experiences of escaping her home land into Italy. I find myself reading this book with my iPhone beside me, looking at photos of places she lived, the bridges she crossed, the piazzas where she shopped, and it only enhances her vivid descriptions. Since her mom is still alive at the time of this writing, I am quite sure she must have filled in details for Lidia that may have escaped her as a child. I have been listening to her cooking shows, which I also love, and I can just hear "her voice" speaking in every page. Her values of family, hard work, and faith come through in every page. There are so many examples of resilience. She details how cooking with her grandma with few means began her love of cooking, and went to new heights in Italy when she had to move in with her aunt. Ok, I have to admit, I am only 100 pages into this book, and she hasn't even come to America yet, but I cant wait to keep reading. She lived in a time and place in history which was not easy- and it was no rise to "fame," in a modern culture or home that was safe and easy. Love this book and getting to know this amazing lady.
- I bought this book because I'm a fan of Lydia's TV cooking show on PBS. On the show, she is knowledgeable, skilled, down-home, no-nonsense, practical, and a lovely person with humility. The book has all those same qualities, but perhaps one needs more in a book to make it appealing. I applaud her effort with this. I brought the book to the beach but found myself looking for other things to read. I'm going to give it another chance, though. Her early Italian/Yugoslavian life post WW2 is interesting, with old-world experiences. It seems that the Italian expat community where she lived in Yugoslavia remained much like it was before the war, except for the political oppression, which she discusses. I'll update when I finish the book. I put it down but will pick it up again because I like her personality even if her writing is prosaic. She has had a blessed life, even if it was difficult at times. She is a woman with great strength and human perspective.
- Being the grandchild of immigrants I truly appreciated this book. It’s good to remember the sacrifices that those before you made to start their lives over in America. This is a wonderful book that hits home in so many ways.
- I started to read this fantastic book and can’t put it down. I force myself to do so I can enjoy every chapter. So well written and a delight to read. Lidia tells the history of her life in superb detail and vividly tells the difficulties of fleeing oppression and living in a refugee camp for two years.
Very happy I purchased this book. I have read dozens of biographies and this is among the very best. Many thanks to Lidia for telling her story. - I enjoyed the book immensely. I was living in Greece until the age of 24 and her writing brought a lot of memories.
The village life can be very hard however the people can depend on each other for help and support and you never feel alone or lonely. I live in America the last 50 yearsand yet I never developed the close friendships that characterized my years in Greece. - Lidia is wonderful. I love her stories, and of course her recipes. She is a class act. I have all her cookbooks.
- The story of Lydia is inspiring, a terrific read. Her family went through hardship, stress and poverty in order to leave their native country and to stay together as a family. Also detailed is the drive and methods that Lydia used to become the successful chef, tv star and author that she is today.
- I bought this book for my Mom and she loves it. Has really enjoyed reading about Lidia's life. So fascinating. Highly recommend.