Read How to Drive Audible Audio Edition Ben Collins Audible Studios Books

Former Top Gear Stig Ben Collins shares expert skills and wisdom refined over a 20-year career as one of the best drivers in the world - from Le Mans Series racing to NASCAR, piloting the Batmobile and dodging bullets with James Bond.
Ben's philosophy of anticipation, smoothness and speed, honed over thousands of hours of elite-level performance, is really about economy of motion - which also gives you greater control, safety and fuel efficiency. How to Drive is about driving better, not faster.
Whether you've been behind the wheel for the best part of 30 years or you bought your first L-plate 10 seconds ago, this is the stuff your instructor missed, your dad forgot and your mates pretend to know...but don't.
Read How to Drive Audible Audio Edition Ben Collins Audible Studios Books
"Normally I find books difficult to read as I often doze off. 16 years on the bench has made me hate reading “booksâ€. But this books sailed through everyday, soaking up every single chapter as if it was candy. If you are interested in cars, improve your driving skills or simply prepare in a different way for your upcoming driving test, this is the book for you, hands down!"
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Tags : How to Drive (Audible Audio Edition) Ben Collins, Audible Studios Books, ,Ben Collins, Audible Studios,How to Drive,Audible Studios,B071ZQTB2J
How to Drive Audible Audio Edition Ben Collins Audible Studios Books Reviews :
How to Drive Audible Audio Edition Ben Collins Audible Studios Books Reviews
- Excellent book by an excellent man. Concepts were all very clear and easy to understand. Top Gear references throughout were a joy as well. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who's just learning to drive, been driving for a couple of years, or the entire population of Southern California.
- I could not put this book down. I mean I dislike the British humor quite a bit but this guy is really funny! Also he's logical, I love driving on the right like any proper European but I see his points about driving on the left ... there is so much useful information about grip and cornering and weight balance and just stories inter-dispersed with some theory. Really fun book to read and it will improve your driving for sure. I should read it again and try to apply even more ... I never thought about affecting the balance of the car while driving or the different pressures on the tires or the grip envelope ... I need to go back and read it again now that I can try it on my car.
- Very interesting book written in an elegant and humorous way. Its main idea The speed does not kill by itself, but lack of speed control does. The safe driver always controls both speed and the car, is streets ahead of other traffic participants, does NOT blame others for their own mistakes and enjoys the task as hand - driving. Ought to be kept at hand for reference and guidance. Chapeau bas, Stig.
- This is seriously a text book on driving and I studied it very carefully. This is the British version and soon I'll be reading the American version, which have quite different information in them, tailored to the local laws and the weird ways people drive in different countries and states. Basically Ben instructs you on how to be safe while driving well, something that few drivers do, I've found. This book was very enlightening to me and he even teaches how to do a few fun tricks with cars. I really enjoyed this book!
- While I don't concur with Ben's notion of "the wrong side of the road" because there are just as many arguments for as against the non-UK side (for example, boxers lead with the left because the brain responds faster to movement detected by the left eye) and while I likewise disagree with his approach to steering (he hates the "wheel shuffler" approach promoted by the UK Police and the Institute of Advanced Motorists who follow the Class One training), there's so much in this book to appreciate.
In the USA people seem to have no interest in learning how to drive. They slump in their seat, one hand limply draped over the center of the steering wheel or, alternatively spastic-gripping the wheel at the 2-o'clock position with the left (sic) hand. Both approaches provide zero car control. And that's probably why US drivers lurch and jolt and crab around even the gentlest corner. Equally most drivers have no positioning skills, no car control skills, and no awareness of the road around them. Which is why the USA has such an abysmal accident rate despite having the easiest, widest, and least-crowded roads of all the OECD nations.
If you think you'd like to learn how to drive competently instead of abysmally, this is the book for you. It's entertaining, informative, and actionable. Nothing beats a real hands-on advanced driving course, but as such things are extremely difficult to find in the USA (because everyone imagines they are "better than average" at driving while in fact being utterly abysmal) this book is at least a first step.
If you don't want to die on the road, read this book and put Ben's advice to work. Driving competently is a pleasure and it has the added upside of keeping you and your family alive. - A great read full of useful information including the history of motor cars and driving and wonderful anecdotes from a very accomplished driver. Ben Collins explains how to drive with a clear non nonsense approach outlining the reasons for each of his guidelines, albeit with some sarcastic British humour.I enjoyed reading this book ,it was as much storytelling as it was information giving.It made a very involved topic easy to ingest. A book to reread to keep your driving skills sharp.
- Normally I find books difficult to read as I often doze off. 16 years on the bench has made me hate reading “booksâ€. But this books sailed through everyday, soaking up every single chapter as if it was candy. If you are interested in cars, improve your driving skills or simply prepare in a different way for your upcoming driving test, this is the book for you, hands down!
- While I knew a lot of what was said it was great to get the reinforcement from the man who has a life size tattoo of his face on his face. I did learn some knew techniques and have been more cognizant of certain things as I drive. My son is reading it now. He has his permit and since I've been telling him a lot of what's in the book maybe he'll apply it because someone else is saying it.