Ebook The Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning Boyd Epley 9781732370159 Books

In The Golden Age of Strength & Conditioning, 32 college and professional strength coaches share their story of how they became part of the "golden years" of strength and conditioning. From sharing their start in the profession, to the adversities they had to overcome, and the philosophies and principles that guided their careers, these coaches proved why strength and conditioning is important to almost every athlete in every sport in the world.
Ebook The Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning Boyd Epley 9781732370159 Books
"I highly recommend "The Golden Age" to everyone in the Field of Athletics. From Middle School to the Pros, the importance of Strength and Conditioning has grown tremendously. Athletic Performance has improved expediently!
Starting from a very humble beginning, the Field and Science has gone through the Roof. Top S&C Coaches have gone to earning practically Nothing to the the range of $600,000 per year. A tremendous amount of admiration and respect is owed to the Pioneers noted in this book and others!"
Product details

Tags : The Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning [Boyd Epley] on . In The Golden Age of Strength Conditioning, 32 college and professional strength coaches share their story of how they became part of the golden years of strength and conditioning. From sharing their start in the profession,Boyd Epley,The Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning,Core Media Group, Inc,173237015X,Biography Autobiography/Sports,Health Fitness/Exercise - General,Health Fitness/Men's Health,Health Fitness/Work-Related Health,SPORTS RECREATION / Coaching / General
The Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning Boyd Epley 9781732370159 Books Reviews :
The Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning Boyd Epley 9781732370159 Books Reviews
- I highly recommend "The Golden Age" to everyone in the Field of Athletics. From Middle School to the Pros, the importance of Strength and Conditioning has grown tremendously. Athletic Performance has improved expediently!
Starting from a very humble beginning, the Field and Science has gone through the Roof. Top S&C Coaches have gone to earning practically Nothing to the the range of $600,000 per year. A tremendous amount of admiration and respect is owed to the Pioneers noted in this book and others! - Anyone interested in weight training to overcoming adversity should read this book! I was amazed at the stories of how these men and women started the strength and conditioning profession...many working for almost nothing or even free to fulfill their dreams while helping the athletic teams explode in improvements. I also loved how so many crossed paths across the country over the years, at a time of no social media and cell phones, pursuing their goal. An AMAZING read that had me laughing, crying and very much inspired.