Ebook The Creative Curse Find the Creative Confidence to Walk with Your Demons Todd Brison Jon Westenberg 9781796821758 Books

It isn't fair, really.
You can't help it.
The voice inside your head calls you.
You didn't choose to be creative, but you can't stop the voice from whispering in your ear any more than you can stop the ocean from rising and falling.
When you were a child, you were praised for this.
Later, something different happened...
You had to be sensible.
You had to pay the bills.
You had to.
Had to
had to
Now, you're trapped under everything you "had to" do.
What was once a blessing - the ability to dream up ideas on the spot, is now a curse. You still have plenty of dreams. You just don't have the time or money to make them happen. Worse, you're stuck in a life where your true creative talents are underused and unappreciated.
This book is for those who are ready to find a different way.
In it, you'll learn
- How to lean in to your creative side, not run from it.
- If you have what it takes to overcome the blocks currently holding back.
- Why you might not have the proper creative triggers to access your best work.
- Whether or not your ideas have the merit to finally ditch the day job... OR if you should hold on to it a little longer.
The Creative's Curse is not something you will ever outgrow. You know as well as I do that voice in your head will never be silent.
You have only two choices Embrace it, or drown.
Get The Creative's Curse today.
Ebook The Creative Curse Find the Creative Confidence to Walk with Your Demons Todd Brison Jon Westenberg 9781796821758 Books
"I have never read any of Todd Brison's work, and honestly do not know how I came upon this book on Amazon, but I am very happy I did. It took me a little longer to read it than it should, because I couldn't stop taking notes and marking pages to read again later. I quickly realized that this book will not be one that I give a friend to read when I am done. It's now a reference book that will stay on my shelf. (Instead of giving away my copy, I plan to buy more for friends. ) I found myself in so many of the pages, and it really helped me organize the chaos of my daily mind and how I think about things. I have always been proud of being a creative, but realized that it can also be a hinderance in many ways. I have been described as a little extra, with a need to tone it down. It's made it easier to take safer roads in the past and try to conform. THIS DOES NOT WORK. Brison's writings confirmed a lot for me, and gave me a new perspective that I have missed so many times before. I now have a little more of plan on how to organize this madness and maybe do something a little more with my creative brain, that feels more fulfilling. Give this book a read if you are a creative. You will not regret it. Thanks Todd, for writing a book that feels direct with the reader. This was a much needed wake-up call of a book, and I'm sure I will reread many times in the future."
Product details

Tags : The Creative's Curse Find the Creative Confidence to Walk with Your Demons [Todd Brison, Jon Westenberg] on . <strong>It isn't fair, really. </strong> You can't help it. The voice inside your head <strong><em>calls</em></strong> you. You didn't choose to be creative,Todd Brison, Jon Westenberg,The Creative's Curse Find the Creative Confidence to Walk with Your Demons,Independently published,1796821756,Art / Individual Artists / General,Self-Help / Creativity
The Creative Curse Find the Creative Confidence to Walk with Your Demons Todd Brison Jon Westenberg 9781796821758 Books Reviews :
The Creative Curse Find the Creative Confidence to Walk with Your Demons Todd Brison Jon Westenberg 9781796821758 Books Reviews
- There's nothing wrong with Todd Brison. Or his delivery. Or his material.
It's just that I've heard it all before - and better said.
If you're a student of the genre, you'll recognize Steven Pressfield (whom Brison cites), Julia Cameron, Ann LaMotte, Steven King and dozens of other authors who have written on the art of writing. You'll also hear Tony Robbins and other well-known motivational speakers.
In short, Brison has done an excellent job of compiling the thoughts and words of others. The problem is that he comes across to me as in authentic. His resume compared to those he is excerpting and incorporatiing is very thin and, thus, he strikes me as inauthentic. Ultimately, I felt like he was setting me up for a sales pitch, which in fact, seems to be the case. Visit his website to see what I mean.
At this point, I find him boring, so I'm not going to bother readiing more digests of what others have said.
I don't doubt that Brison has an audience I'm just not part of it. Some, perhaps even many, may find his words inspiring I don't. I'm just reminded of those who said those things first.
Motivational books are funny. I may find one that I consider truly inspiring - like any of Steven Pressfield's works - and find another flat and dull, even though he is repeatiing some of Pressfield's advice.
Anyway, I took a chance, spent a few bucks and don't think Brison has anything to offer. Your reaction might be totally different. Live on the wild side spend a few bucks to find out.
Jerry - I used to write a personal development blog ( lovelifepractice.com ) and so I have read a lot of books on creativity, on "doing what you love", on this kind of subject. To be honest, buying this book was more out of solidarity than interest.
I put off reading it for a long time.
When I did finally pick it up, a few hours ago, I read it from start to finish. I chuckled a lot, I highlighted a lot, I made mental notes about where I had similar experiences and succeeded and where I could see my missteps thanks to Todd's examples.
This is a GOOD book, regardless of whether you're trying to break out of a corporate cage or just develop your own soul a bit more. He lays out solid, actionable things you can do, and wraps it all in an overarching message from the front lines. "This is what it's like," he explains, "and this is why it's worth it, and here's why you can do it."
With the possible exception of Pressfield's "The War of Art" (which Todd also agrees is the creative's bible) this is now the first book I would recommend to people who want to try being more creative. It's well worth the time, and absurdly worth the money. I plan on going back and culling a few of my highlighted passages as my own kickstarters when the muse is distant.
Highly recommended. READ THIS BOOK. - Todd Brison is the only writer I know who can make an analogy between writing a book, running a marathon, and playing Super Mario 3--and, on top of that, make the comparison seem totally logical.
The Creative's Curse is an excellent read for anyone that has ideas but doesn't know where to go from there. Brison offers stupendous suggestions for grappling with the life of a Creative; in short passages, he discusses how to overcome fear of creating, how to surmount creators' block, and why your contributions matter in a world already bursting with content.
He writes in a way that makes you feel like you're reading something bright and fun, then hits you out of nowhere with some serious truth. I read this book in two sittings (I lost track of how many times I said "just one more section"), and I can't wait to go back and reexamine the passages I highlighted throughout.
I'll leave you with this gem from the portion on Creators' Block caused by fear "I haven't tested every human being on the planet, but my guess is that Creatives are among the MOST fearful. This is because back in early humanity, it was difficult to fend off a lion with a paintbrush." - I have never read any of Todd Brison's work, and honestly do not know how I came upon this book on , but I am very happy I did. It took me a little longer to read it than it should, because I couldn't stop taking notes and marking pages to read again later. I quickly realized that this book will not be one that I give a friend to read when I am done. It's now a reference book that will stay on my shelf. (Instead of giving away my copy, I plan to buy more for friends. ) I found myself in so many of the pages, and it really helped me organize the chaos of my daily mind and how I think about things. I have always been proud of being a creative, but realized that it can also be a hinderance in many ways. I have been described as a little extra, with a need to tone it down. It's made it easier to take safer roads in the past and try to conform. THIS DOES NOT WORK. Brison's writings confirmed a lot for me, and gave me a new perspective that I have missed so many times before. I now have a little more of plan on how to organize this madness and maybe do something a little more with my creative brain, that feels more fulfilling. Give this book a read if you are a creative. You will not regret it. Thanks Todd, for writing a book that feels direct with the reader. This was a much needed wake-up call of a book, and I'm sure I will reread many times in the future.
- I've read a lot of "self-help" books, and most are little more than a pamplet's worth of material stretched out as long as possible. I'm about half way through the audio book, and the new ideas are coming so fast, I simply cannot keep up. And that's good! I just got the version so I have a copy I can physically go look at.
The author isn't hypothetical. He gives tons of things you can actually DO. I highly recommend. (And the audiobook as well. It's not professionally recorded, sometimes you can hear his dog in the background, but his personality makes the material shine.