Download Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books

By Carey Massey on Friday, May 10, 2019

Download Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books

Download As PDF : Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books

Download PDF Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books

Japanese for Busy People is the most popular Japanese language textbook series in the world. With over 20 components including texts, workbooks, CDs, videos and teacher’s manuals, it is also one of the most comprehensive. Now, a decade after its first revision, the entire series is being redesigned, updated and consolidated to meet the needs of 21st-century students and businesspeople who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time.

The book features not only a sleek, new design but also a unit structure that groups thematically linked lessons together, making it easier than ever to learn Japanese. Moreover, it now comes with a CD containing audio for the dialogues and listening exercises from the text. The exercises in the book have also been thoroughly revised to incorporate more comprehension and production tasks. Many of these exercises are illustrated, making for a stimulating learning experience, and the purpose of each one is clearly stated.

This first of three volumes introduces "survival Japanese" — the absolute minimum amount of Japanese needed to live in Japan. Thus, the vocabulary and grammatical items it introduces are limited to about a third of what is typically introduced in a first-year course. In addition, the book features notes on Japanese culture intended to expand the learner’s understanding of Japan, its customs and people.

Japanese for Busy People I is available in two formats romanized and kana. The Romanized Version uses romanized Japanese throughout, with kana in the Opening Dialogues of each lesson.
The Kana Version — exposing students to hiragana and katakana from the very beginning — uses only kana.The content of the two books is otherwise exactly the same.

The companion volume, Japanese for Busy People 1 The Workbook for the Revised 3rd Edition contains a variety of illustrated exercises for mastering the basic sentence patterns presented in the main text.

Download Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books

"If you plan to travel to Japan and want to know enough of the language to communicate effectively, this book is for you. It teaches handy phrases and how to address and respond to others in Japanese in a respectful and appropriate way. The book is organized into helpful sections about things travelers would likely want to know--shopping, getting around, telling time, dining out, visiting a museum, doing business at the office, etc. Each section includes exercises to help you practice asking and answering questions, and use correct grammar and new vocabulary. There is also a handy cd that helps greatly with learning correct pronunciation and inflection. I knew absolutely no Japanese when I purchased this book for an introductory Japanese course, and I found it easy to follow. I also recommend purchasing the companion Kana workbook, which will teach you Katakana and Hiragana. Overall, this book is great for an overview of the Japanese language and the basic things you'll likely want to be able to communicate whether you travel to Japan for business or pleasure."

Product details

  • Series Japanese for Busy People Series (Book 1)
  • Paperback 296 pages
  • Publisher Kodansha International; 3 edition (November 11, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1568363842

Read Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books

Tags : Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version (Japanese for Busy People Series) (9781568363844) AJALT Books,AJALT,Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version (Japanese for Busy People Series),Kodansha International,1568363842,Japanese,Japanese language,Japanese language - English,Japanese language - Spoken Japanese,Asian,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / General,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Japanese,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Miscellaneous,Foreign Language - Dictionaries / Phrase Books,Foreign Language Study,GENERAL,Language,Language self-study texts,Non-Fiction,Scholarly/Undergraduate,United States,japanese; calligraphy; education; philosophy; buddhism; school; zen; meditation; spirituality; self help; learn japanese; japanese language learning; japanese grammar; language; reference; languages; linguistics; writing; essays; dharma; classic; art; culture; architecture; translation; self improvement; psychology; french; anthropology; collection; sociology; design; german; asian; literary criticism; russian; east asia; how to; business; criticism; essay; short stories; environment; travel writing; eastern europe; spirit,learning japanese;japanese;learn japanese;japanese language learning;japanese grammar;language;philosophy;linguistics;calligraphy;zen;buddhism;writing;essays;self help;art;education;meditation;architecture;culture;psychology;french;translation;spirituality;collection;anthropology;sociology;classic;design;german;russian;dharma;business;school;literary criticism;how to;short stories;environment;chinese;happiness;travel writing;etymology;yoga;photography;haiku;spiritual;spirit;taoism;ethics,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / General,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Japanese,FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Miscellaneous,Foreign Language - Dictionaries / Phrase Books,Foreign Language Study,Language,Language self-study texts

Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books Reviews :

Japanese for Busy People I Romanized Version Japanese for Busy People Series AJALT Books Reviews

  • I've been using this book as the textbook for my Japanese Conversation class. I love this textbook, and this is coming from someone who dislikes the best ones because they're, well, textbooks. But there's something about this book here that makes it entertaining to read. I don't know if it's the activities or what, but I find it fairly easy to get through a chapter for homework. The pictures are cute and definitely help assist in the learning process. They use a specific set of characters they made for the book that they introduce in the intro. At first, I thought this was needless, but it helps for later on. However, I was doing activities in this book that called those people by name before I even knew of the character introduction page, and I still managed to tell from context whom was who, so that's good. The vocabulary at the bottom of each page are good for a quick reference or a point of focus for studying for quizzes. It's a neat feature.

    The book is a great size. Not too big nor small. I guess that doesn't matter too much when reviewing a book, but as a college student who doesn't want her bag too heavy or too full, I like the size.

    The book is easy to navigate, and I like the way and the order they present the learning material. There's nothing I dislike about this book at all. And the price? Definitely affordable.

    There's also a romanized version for those who can't read Kanji yet. I have the Kana version myself, and prefer that one. But it's great that this also comes in Romanji, as everyone learning is at different levels and some would benefit more from that version.

    I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who's learning or refreshing themselves on the language of Japanese. Even if it's not required for class, this book makes both a good learning tool and a quick reference.
  • If you plan to travel to Japan and want to know enough of the language to communicate effectively, this book is for you. It teaches handy phrases and how to address and respond to others in Japanese in a respectful and appropriate way. The book is organized into helpful sections about things travelers would likely want to know--shopping, getting around, telling time, dining out, visiting a museum, doing business at the office, etc. Each section includes exercises to help you practice asking and answering questions, and use correct grammar and new vocabulary. There is also a handy cd that helps greatly with learning correct pronunciation and inflection. I knew absolutely no Japanese when I purchased this book for an introductory Japanese course, and I found it easy to follow. I also recommend purchasing the companion Kana workbook, which will teach you Katakana and Hiragana. Overall, this book is great for an overview of the Japanese language and the basic things you'll likely want to be able to communicate whether you travel to Japan for business or pleasure.
  • I have just begun my study of Japanese, and this book was perfect for me… I know there is a lot of controversy over whether or not to use the Roman alphabet when learning Japanese, but I specifically choose the Romanized version of this text for a number of reasons… First and foremost is the fact that I was raised using the Roman alphabet, and when I began to study the Japanese “alphabets” (Hiragana and Katakana), it was of great help to have the Romanized letters alongside the Kana characters… Having the Roman letters alongside helped not only my pronunciation, but also my memorization of the Kana… Second was the fact that I intend to type emails and other correspondence in Japanese, and if you’re like me and using a Windows computer here in the USA, you are forced to type using the Roman keyboard with the Japanese language pack installed (Windows automatically converts the “qwerty” typing into the appropriate Kana characters)…. And yes, I know if I were to move to Japan, I had better be able to read and write Kana and Kanji, and eventually, perhaps I will fully wean myself off of “Roman”, but for now, it’s just another tool to be used… and if you also get the companion JFBP 1 Kana Workbook, you get the best of both teaching methods!!
  • I've studied Japanese for a few years in both classroom and self-study formats. Japanese for Busy People (JFBP) is probably the single best option for self-study, both elementary acquisition and for review. I use it for both review of previous learning and for continued additional learning.

    I highly recommend the kana version, again for both new students and review. It will take practice and a kana learning book for self-starters, but that's true even in a classroom setting -- you'll be forced to learn kana very quickly and it's mostly a routine exercise of practice.

    JFBP excels for self-learners for three reasons (1) the content is deliberately reduced to cover only what's required; it has much, much less vocabulary than a typical college text such as Genki. (2) the situations are more focused on adult learners and business travelers (e.g., business introductions, going to restaurants, shopping) and not those of younger people (movies, home visits). (3) the books are very affordable and are in a semi-workbook format instead of a text.

    The only limitation is that the audio materials are skimpy; it would be nice to have many hours of extended dialog and practice instead of just a couple hours of minimal dialog and vocabulary. Japanese Pod 101 or similar audio podcasts might help supplement that (and are certainly not enough on their own to learn well).

    I have the 2nd edition as well, and highly prefer the 3rd edition. The lessons flow much better and it is much more modern in the general presentation style; it's highly worth the moderate cost to get the new version.

    Good luck! Ganbatte kudasai!
  • Loved this book, it does teach the formal japanese since the set up of the whole books goes around someone named Smith who just moved to japan for business, it's a great set up to make you learn a new language. It comes with the romaji translations, I recomend this book over the Kana version if you're still unfamiliar and learning hiragana and katakana.