Download L'albergo delle tre rose Italian Edition edition by Augusto De Angelis Literature Fiction eBooks

In un albergo di Milano viene ucciso un giovane inglese. Il commissario De Vincenzi si trova così alle prese con un caso da risolvere che ruota intorno ai personaggi ospitati dall'albergo e dediti al gioco d'azzardo.
Augusto De Angelis (Roma, 28 giugno 1888 – Bellagio, 18 luglio 1944) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista italiano.
Download L'albergo delle tre rose Italian Edition edition by Augusto De Angelis Literature Fiction eBooks
"A diverse group of people are gathered together at a somewhat shady Milanese inn to hear the reading of a will, and murders start happening. De Angelis is a competent writer, heavily influenced by Agatha Christie. Although written and set in the Fascist period, there is no mention of politics (the censors would have cut out anything of the sort and De Angelis, an anti-Fascist, would have been punished), but a dark atmosphere of corruption and amorality pervades the book."
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L'albergo delle tre rose Italian Edition edition by Augusto De Angelis Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
L'albergo delle tre rose Italian Edition edition by Augusto De Angelis Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- A diverse group of people are gathered together at a somewhat shady Milanese inn to hear the reading of a will, and murders start happening. De Angelis is a competent writer, heavily influenced by Agatha Christie. Although written and set in the Fascist period, there is no mention of politics (the censors would have cut out anything of the sort and De Angelis, an anti-Fascist, would have been punished), but a dark atmosphere of corruption and amorality pervades the book.