Download A Shade of Kiev Volume 1 Bella Forrest Books

They say women can't help adoring the dark, tormented antihero.
And it's true.
Until they meet me.
One look into my blood-red eyes, and they run screaming.
I have darkness and torment aplenty. More than enough to dig my claws into the chest of a woman I'm in love with, and rip out her heart with my bare hands.
You see, I'm a different breed of antihero than you've likely ever come across...
My name is Kiev Novalic. I am a vampire, and a murderer.
Having betrayed the trust of my own kind and that of the enemies I sold myself to, I have three days left to live.
I stare at the girl in the cell opposite mine.
Mona, she calls herself. A witch born without magic.
She might be my key to freedom, but I should know to stay away.
I should know some scars are etched too deep to heal.
Can you handle the red-eyed monster?
Download A Shade of Kiev Volume 1 Bella Forrest Books
"“But of creatures who inhabit the darkness, there are two types. Those who revel in it, and those who fight to escape it.â€
If you read the Shade of Vampire series you’re already familiar with Kiev, the resident bad boy who did some pretty despicable things while under the control of his “father†The Elder. He was Sofia’s captor for much of book 6 and he also did some pretty awful things in book 7 but all throughout you saw glimpses of this other side of him that just wanted to find a place in the light and escape all of the darkness that’s inhabited his life for so long. It was this little glimmer of hope that he had that made me really wish for his redemption and I think that the author did a nice job of it with this book. This book picks up pretty much right after book 7 left off where Kiev, finally out of the grasp of his “fatherâ€, is being held in Aviary and is sentenced to death for his betrayal that took place in the last book. It’s here that he meets Mona and his journey to find a new place for himself really begins. While it seems like the path to a fresh start is a clear one, certain things from his past pop up to threaten all of that.
I wasn’t sure what to make of Mona for most of the book, I found her behavior off-putting and confusing and her whole role playing thing was a little odd. I liked how Kiev reacted to it though and his ‘courtship’ of her was cute. Through his actions you really got to see this other side of him but you still got to see him struggle with his darker side. Sometimes it wasn’t always a given as to which side would win out either. I think that made his path to redemption all the more believable. It wasn’t until the last chapter that we really found out what Mona’s motivations were and even that was just a hint. I didn’t expect this to be a cliffhanger, but the way things left off I am definitely curious to see what happens next. Hopefully it won’t be long before the next installment is out!
I liked that this book took place outside of the human realm, it helped to set it apart from the other books in the series and again provided the author the opportunity to build this fantastical land. I love this author’s ability to really set the scene and describe these places so clearly that you can picture it perfectly in your mind. That’s one of the things I loved most about the whole series, you really are swept away to this other place while you are within the pages of the books. This book was no exception, I could clearly picture the island they were on and I loved the addition of the merfolk, ogres and werewolfs. And I loved that they used dolphins and other sea life to power their boats and ships. It added a touch of whimsy to the book.
I thought this was another great offering from this author and I look forward to the next installment that’ll hopefully answer all of the questions that were left open at the end of this one!"
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Tags : A Shade of Kiev (Volume 1) (9781505448344) Bella Forrest Books,Bella Forrest,A Shade of Kiev (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1505448344,Paranormal romance stories,Vampires,FICTION / Romance / Paranormal / General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,PRINT ON DEMAND,Romance,Romance - Paranormal - General,Romance/General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Romance / Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction/Vampires,FICTION / Romance / Paranormal
A Shade of Kiev Volume 1 Bella Forrest Books Reviews :
A Shade of Kiev Volume 1 Bella Forrest Books Reviews
- “But of creatures who inhabit the darkness, there are two types. Those who revel in it, and those who fight to escape it.â€
If you read the Shade of Vampire series you’re already familiar with Kiev, the resident bad boy who did some pretty despicable things while under the control of his “father†The Elder. He was Sofia’s captor for much of book 6 and he also did some pretty awful things in book 7 but all throughout you saw glimpses of this other side of him that just wanted to find a place in the light and escape all of the darkness that’s inhabited his life for so long. It was this little glimmer of hope that he had that made me really wish for his redemption and I think that the author did a nice job of it with this book. This book picks up pretty much right after book 7 left off where Kiev, finally out of the grasp of his “fatherâ€, is being held in Aviary and is sentenced to death for his betrayal that took place in the last book. It’s here that he meets Mona and his journey to find a new place for himself really begins. While it seems like the path to a fresh start is a clear one, certain things from his past pop up to threaten all of that.
I wasn’t sure what to make of Mona for most of the book, I found her behavior off-putting and confusing and her whole role playing thing was a little odd. I liked how Kiev reacted to it though and his ‘courtship’ of her was cute. Through his actions you really got to see this other side of him but you still got to see him struggle with his darker side. Sometimes it wasn’t always a given as to which side would win out either. I think that made his path to redemption all the more believable. It wasn’t until the last chapter that we really found out what Mona’s motivations were and even that was just a hint. I didn’t expect this to be a cliffhanger, but the way things left off I am definitely curious to see what happens next. Hopefully it won’t be long before the next installment is out!
I liked that this book took place outside of the human realm, it helped to set it apart from the other books in the series and again provided the author the opportunity to build this fantastical land. I love this author’s ability to really set the scene and describe these places so clearly that you can picture it perfectly in your mind. That’s one of the things I loved most about the whole series, you really are swept away to this other place while you are within the pages of the books. This book was no exception, I could clearly picture the island they were on and I loved the addition of the merfolk, ogres and werewolfs. And I loved that they used dolphins and other sea life to power their boats and ships. It added a touch of whimsy to the book.
I thought this was another great offering from this author and I look forward to the next installment that’ll hopefully answer all of the questions that were left open at the end of this one! - As evil and sadistic Kiev was in the shade of vampire series he still somehow managed to sneak his way into my heart and after reading this he has officially burrowed his way in deep. I am beyond curious to read more about Monas background and the new development with Kievs eyes has my so intrigued. This Merry band of pirates has me itching to get to know them better and see what comes next. Such a great read. Definitely read A shade of vampire series 1-7 before reading this so you get more of an insight into who Kiev was.
- I chose this rating because I am a true shaddict ! I was introduced to Bella Forrest thru A Shade of Vampire and I wait patient for each sequel. I love Sophia n Derrick's love story but they couldn't resist without Vivienne, Kiev n the shade! KIEV is is amazing . I hated him n now I am in live with him . That's what I call reading n dissecting a character to the point of changing your opinion n even your feelings about them! I met another Kiev n I love him .... Can't wait for the next book Bella please hurry I miss him already . I recommend it for anyone that believes in chances n inner redemption. For anyone looking for good n light in a evil n dark place. Sometimes there's more than meets the eye n Kiev is a true example.
I love Kiev just as much as Sophia n Derek..... - I was pleasantly surprised to find this spin-off of Kiev life after eloping from prison and resurfacing after seventeen years was as worthy as the Shade series. Bella Forrest, does it again with her storytelling and keeping her reader's to the very end. However. Kiev makes a interesting character and always felt he a lot more substance had more to him if he could get away from his evil father .
- I knew there was something deeper to Kiev! I think that this is a good start to the series, and it helps if you've read the A Shade of Vampire series. In that way you understand Kiev's struggles and his desire to be beyond the Elders control. Mona, on the other hand, we know nothing about her. I cannot say that I understand why she's split personality on these "dates" she has with Kiev and I'm thankful that he doesn't really play into her game. I've just got to trust Bella Forrest to explain things in her own time. Oh Kiev, your human is showing...
- I am a great lover of Vampire stories, be it books, movies, TV series, etc. That being said, I am also VERY selective about which of those stories I get into and follow. I adored Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles (and the movies that went with them), and True Blood, but couldn't care less about such stories as Twilight... It has to have the right feel for me to stay involved..
I had never heard of Bella Forrest until I started seeing ads for A Shade of Vampire, but I didn't pay attention--at first. Then, I went and read the synopsis, and decided to give it a try. I read a couple of chapters, and eventually discovered it was one of a series, so I went back and purchased the rest of the set.
From the moment I arrived at The Shade, I was in love, captivated! I laughed, I cried, I felt the pain of battle-- and I will read them all again. My only regret is that I didn't find these masterpieces sooner! - I won't lie I was skeptical of a spin off series about Kiev and really thought he couldn't be redeemable. I know he tried to redeem himself in the end of the last book but he was such a bad guy... Well I'll have to admit when I am wrong, by the end of this book you will be on team Kiev. LOL. Through this story you will get to take a walk in his shoes and feel all his anguish. I'm anxious to read more of this new spin off. The story doesn't end in any cliffhanger but there is more going on within the plot that could be covered in just one book.