Ebook The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books

By Carey Massey on Saturday, May 11, 2019

Ebook The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books

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Download PDF The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books

The Devil's Half Mile by Paddy Hirsch is a riveting historical thriller debut set in 1799 New York City

Seven years after a financial crisis nearly toppled America, traders chafe at government regulations, racial tensions are rising, gangs roam the streets and corrupt financiers make back-door deals with politicians... 1799 was a hell of a year.

Thanks to Alexander Hamilton, America recovered from the panic on the Devil's Half Mile (aka Wall Street), but the young country is still finding its way. When young lawyer Justy Flanagan returns to solve his father's murder, he exposes a massive fraud that has already claimed lives, and one of the perpetrators are determined to keep secret at any cost. The body count is rising, and the looming crisis could topple the nation.

"A thriller with strong, multifaceted heroes and villains, tight plotting which rattles along in a city where you can smell the horse droppings and hear the authentic voices."―Patrick Taylor, New York Times bestselling author of the Irish Country Doctor series

Ebook The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books

"Surprisingly good for first book"

Product details

  • Paperback 320 pages
  • Publisher Forge Books; Reprint edition (September 3, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0765399148

Read The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books

Tags : The Devil's Half Mile A Novel [Paddy Hirsch] on . <b> The Devil's Half Mile</i> by Paddy Hirsch is a riveting historical thriller debut set in 1799 New York City</b> Seven years after a financial crisis nearly toppled America,Paddy Hirsch,The Devil's Half Mile A Novel,Forge Books,0765399148,110104 Forge Trade Paperback,AMERICAN HISTORICAL FICTION,AMERICAN MYSTERY SUSPENSE FICTION,FICTION / Historical / General,FICTION / Thrillers / Crime,FICTION / Thrillers / Historical,Fiction,Fiction-Historical,Fiction/Historical - General,Fiction/Thrillers - Crime,GENERAL,General Adult,Historical / General,Mystery/Suspense,New York,Thrillers / Crime,new York city historical fiction; historical fiction new york city; historical thrillers; historical thriller books; american historical fiction; american historical thrillers; financial thrillers; historical financial thrillers; wall street thrillers; Wall street fiction; financial crisis fiction; financial crisis thrillers; colonial historical fiction; colonial America historical fiction; irish american historical fiction; american history fiction books; gaslamp thrillers; gas lamp thrillers; crime thrillers; historical crime thrillers; historical crime fiction; financial crime thrillers

The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books Reviews :

The Devil Half Mile A Novel Paddy Hirsch 9780765399144 Books Reviews

  • I don't tend to gravitate to historical fiction, but I loved this book! Racism, xenophobia, and financial shenanigans... but for the horse drawn carriages, it could have been written today. Among the strongest selling points of The Devil's Half Mile page turning mystery, fascinating characters, authentic Irish and period colloquialisms, and a twisty plot. The lead character, Justice Flanagan, is very engaging and has the sort of appeal that screams series. The rapport between Justy and his best friend, Lars, is so easy and delightful and I looked forward to their every interaction. Fingers crossed that Paddy Hirsch is as prolific as he is talented. Highly recommend.
  • A fascinating look at NYC at the end of the 18th century, I found this book hard to put down. The characters were multi-dimentional and authentic, showing a depth I appreciated. The story was gripping and action-packed. I look forward to more fiction from this author!
  • Seamless connection of fictional and historical elements, along with the colorful cant of the dialog, the wonderfully atmospheric scene-setting, and the driving pace all blend to tell an immersive tale, but the scintillating facets of the rich character depictions make the novel particularly compelling.
  • Not a bother on that now I have to say. Sure what else would ya be reading. Passes the time as well as any man could ask for.
  • Surprisingly good for first book
  • Slow. Lots of detail though. I guess I don't care for the writing style.
  • It's 1799 and it seems like just about everyone in New York is corrupt. Justy Flanagan has just returned from Ireland after studying to become a lawyer. He is intent on proving his father did not commit suicide years ago and is hoping to find the murderer. As he searches for answers, he uncovers a massive fraud that runs deep and continues to claim lives.

    I was excited to read this book that takes place in the late 1700s because while I like to read historical fiction, I rarely read anything that takes place prior to the Civil War. I found the whole son looking for his father's killer to be intriguing at first but I have to admit my interest in the mystery started to wane as the book progressed. The book incorporates Irish words and phrases so much that there is a handy dandy glossary of terms at the back of the book. There were a few instances in which I wondered if the words were being overused and certain dialogue exchanges that didn't feel entirely realistic. Overall, this isn't a bad book, I just wish it would have sustained my interest a little bit more.

    I won a free copy of this book in a giveaway but was under no obligation to post a review. All views expressed are my honest opinion.
  • When Justice Flanagan steps down off the ship that carried him away to college in Dublin four years ago and plants his feet on the wharf in New York Harbor, little does he know how much his home town had changed in his absence. Now a graduated lawyer specializing in criminal justice, he aims to land himself a job and settle down. But a piece of unfinished business ranks first for Justy, he aims to prove that his father was murdered and did not commit suicide as he was made to believe before his uncle funded his college tuition and put him on a boat to Ireland.
    Not minutes after his baggage was unloaded and he begins to wander the city, he is nearly knocked over by what appears to be a pickpocket. Catching the thief red-handed he looks up into the face of an angel and recognizes Kerry, the girl he left behind four years prior, now dressed as a boy filching the wealthy of their wallets and watches.

    And so it begins, the slow unraveling of how New York City turned into a cesspool of debauchery, murder, extortion, and prostitution after the financial crash called the Panic of 1792. The Devil’s Half Mile is a gritty and gruesome, cleverly crafted yarn of a mystery that serves up the issues of Wall Street fraud, murderous conmen, dirty politicians, the horrors of the slave trade, and of powerful hungry men who were hell-bent on making it rich on exclusive upper-class luxurious brothels. None of which know what they have coming their way when Justice Flanagan comes to town flashing his knife and swinging his fists determined to uncover his father’s murderer.

    Rich in historical detail, Paddy Hirsch’s debut mystery is a finely tuned tale not to be missed. His characters have incredible depth, the plot ingenious, action abounds, and his writing style is very accomplished. I will award this novel 4 ½ stars. Why not 5? The story takes place in New York in 1799; a time when there was a high population of Irish Immigrants. So the author chose to use a boatload of Irish slang language. So much that he included a glossary in the back of the book for understanding what the words mean. However, a lot of words I looked up were not in the glossary at all and this reader found that irritating. I believe the choice to use this language was unnecessary, and way over-the-top too much. A few words here and there would have been O.K., but to use so many that a glossary was needed every other paragraph was annoying. If it had been written in standard English, I could have given The Devil’s Half Mile a hands-down five stars. That being said, it’s still a stunning debut in the historical mystery genre and I eagerly await a second installment!